by kezijin | Feb 28, 2019 | Articles
Okay, so buckle in, there may be turbulence ahead. Earlier today (last night for some parts of the world) Fox dropped the latest (maybe last) Dark Phoenix trailer, located below in case you missed it. As far as trailers go, it’s not bad. I certainly don’t...
by Steven Hausrath | Feb 5, 2019 | Articles
The age old question about what Disney intended to do with the Fox properties was answered today by way of Lauren Shuler Donner, who was producer of the X-Men franchise during it’s time at Fox. Part of the interview went as follows. “Obviously Kevin and I...
by Steven Hausrath | Jan 4, 2019 | Articles
READ FULL ARTICLE ON ONE PAGE A few days ago I wrote about billion dollar box office films and with 36 by the end of 2018 (unless Aquaman keeps pace and becomes the 37th) I thought I would have a go at predicting which films may break the barrier again.. 2019 could be...
by Steven Hausrath | Jan 2, 2019 | Articles
VIEW WHOLE LIST ON ONE PAGE Hot on the heels of Aquaman’s strong $750 Million dollar box office start and with 2019 drawing to a close I thought it was time to update the top 10 Movie franchises. Point of note for his article. No inflationary adjustments were...
by Steven Hausrath | May 20, 2017 | Articles
With Marvels 15th cinema release leading to them charging through the $11 Billion mark I started to wonder how the compare with other studio franchises as to how successful they were.. So here goes… Point of note for his article. No inflationary adjustments were...